
Mini series: Thanks for the tip

If you are a lover of healthy living and exercising, like I am, than take a minute to read this.
Being a beginner,you are probably experiencing some bad case of sore muscles. I am very familiar with those since I do give up on working out easily and go long periods without doing a thing. But, that is where I go and say 'I just may make your life easier'.

Tip numero uno! Recently I came across an article on what else can vinegar be used for in your home other than a salad. You would be amazed just how useful that stinky thing is. But one thing that I found interesting is that it reduces soreness. While taking a nice relaxing bath, add a bit of a vinegar into the water. You should be able to exit that bathroom pain-free.

Tip numero dos! Another way to reduce sore muscles is to eat an orange. I did read over this very briefly so I might not be right. It sounds strange to me too. If you have an orange before you workout, supposedly it will help with the pain. But even if it doesn't, at least it will keep you hydrated. Remember, drink enough water so you don't pass out.

So do these work?

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